Boxed Arrangements

Val Sparks Florist Caloundra

Boxed Arrangements - Flowers from Val Sparks Florist Caloundra

Val Sparks Florist creates boxed arrangements from fresh flowers sourced from local growers. The flowers are held in an absorbent oasis so you don’t need to put the flowers into a vase immediately. Boxed arrangements are perfect for delivering to someone in hospital or may not be at home to take immediate delivery.

Val Sparks Florist uses quality boxes, wrapping paper and ribbons to ensure the boxed arrangement gives an outstanding impression. We use fresh and interesting greenery to compliment the feature flowers in the arrangement. We don’t ‘bulk up’ the boxed arrangement with cellophane.

Order your flowers direct from our local Caloundra florist shop. Every dollar you spend on flowers goes into the boxed arrangement and not split for commissions.

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